
Kiddie Scuba

Thrilling Experiences

Have you ever wondered what it's like to dive with flashlights, take digital pictures underwater or float effortlessly like an astronaut? Beyond learning basic scuba skills, there are specialty Aqua Missions, such as wreck diving, navigation, buoyancy, environmental awareness and more. Take an adventure of the underwater world. Scuba diving is one of the most fascinating and peculiar sensations imaginable. Its a passport to another world. One captures in its fluidity, a grace and rhythm that truly disconnects us from everything that is “land bound” Breathing becomes a rhythmic melody of inhalations and exhalations. Surrender completely to the sanctuary of the underwater world. It shall start with pre – dive briefing and knowledge and familiarization of equipment, scuba skills and amazing underwater photography to refresh your memories.

9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Pool at Della Adventure & Resorts

Rs. 3000 + tax

BOOK NOW: +91 8888305555 / +91 9664461000